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GEN-Theater Company


The company Gen-T was born in Madrid in February 2009 founded by Coke Viaga in order to create a dance-theater company where you join separate physical different artistic languages ​​such as dance, performance, video, music, painting ... etc . In 2010 Fernando Arrocha joins as Director and Art Director and worki together to create the pieces.


This company arises from the need to create a space to investigate different forms of theatrical expression taking special interest to this the introduction of new technologies, composition and movement in unconventional spaces and media as the main theme to investigate.


Gen-T creates and produces his own pieces and working with different performers and professionals depending on the needs of each piece.


Coke Viaga

Director and actress


Born in Barcelona in 1977. She began his training in theater at the Actor's Studio of Nancy Tuñón . In parallel he studied contemporary dance with Blasi and Coco Comin Eulalia . In 2001 he moved to Madrid where he expanded his theater studies at the school of Juan Carlos Corazza and Central New Creators of Cristina Rota. While continuing to expand her dance studies with Cristiane Contac Contemporanea - Boulton , Ruben Rodriguez ( Escaena ) and Mónica Runde . It also conducts seminars with Vertical Dance Company and the Company 's Done Wrong .

Currently still developing Suzuki training , Kalari , Chekhov and View Points and laboratories dance / choreography Mov / Lab with vertic .


Currently working as an assistant director in advertising and has worked for companies such as Milka , Philadelphia and Ediciones Edelvives among others.


As an actress she has worked with directors such as Ramón Gieling , Tom Taiker , Fernando Leon, Koen Suidgeest and Inigo Rotaetxe among others. Currently preparing the film Norma- L Fernando Arrocha .


She has participated in over 25 short films which we highlight Suidgeest Koen Casting nominated for the Goya Awards 2007 .

Fernando Arrocha

Art Direction


Born in Valladolid in 1977. Study Music and Fine Arts in Madrid. Work in the field of painting , installation, video and new technologies .


Since 2005 co-directs Calipsofilms , audiovisual experimentation platform in various fields: video creation, video , documentary, short film, internet projects ... Currently working on his first feature film.


He has participated in solo and group exhibitions in different spaces as Photoespaña ( Madrid 2005 ) , Bulwark (Pamplona 2007 ) , Atlantic Center of Modern Art, CAAM ( Gran Canaria 2007) and Haus der Kulturen der Welt ( Berlin 2008 ) , Palais de Tokyo ( Paris 2008 ) , Loop Festival ( Barcelona 2009 ) .


Fernando Arrocha investigates contemporary human immersion in the ceaseless flow of images of all kinds to which it is subjected. The work is based on recreation and intervention of images , films and documents of historical content , mainly propaganda . This recreation invites reflection on the manipulations , not only technical , but also political and sociological as well as psychological referrals such procedures.

Actors, dancers and artists who have gone through GEN-Theater Company:


Candelaria Antelo 

Juanjo Torres

Javier Alemán 

Genoveva Santiago

Pilar Onares

Iris Arisa

Alicia Fariña

Miguel Quirós

Miguel Angel Ríos

Soraya Arrabal

El Horatius

Llanos de Miguel

Paula Ruiz

Azahara Ubera

Darla MacDonald




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